Personal Injury Blog

How Can I Prove That My Brain Injury Was Caused by Someone Else's Negligence or Fault?

One of the most unfortunate injuries you can suffer from an accident is a brain injury. Brain injuries can range from mild to severe. They can affect the entire body and even one’s emotions and personality. […]

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After a crash, how can we prove I have a Traumatic Brain Injury and hold someone accountable for their fault?

If you suffer a loss of any sense: smell, sight, taste, hearing, feeling, or you have headaches or are forgetful, you may have a traumatic brain injury. It does not take a blow to the head or loss of consciousness, to diagnose a traumatic brain injury. […]

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What is the Statute of Limitations for Filing a TBI Claim in Kansas?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most serious injuries a person can experience. Such an injury can be devastating and have a dramatic impact on an individual’s life. […]

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The Lifelong Costs of a Severe TBI

Traumatic Brain Injuries | Posted on March 8, 2019 at 4:44 pm by

The Lifelong Costs of a Severe TBI According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 1.7 million people sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) each year in the United States. When they are severe, traumatic brain injuries can leave victims with significant and long-term disabilities and medical issues that can affect them for […]

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Emotional Signs & Symptoms of TBI Victims

Emotional Signs and Symptoms of TBI Victims Look for mood swings as well as any changes in personality Any traumatic blow to the head or body can cause a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Some TBI symptoms are hard to miss—loss of consciousness, paralysis, slurred speech, and impaired coordination are only some of the most obvious. […]

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Can I Sue for My Brain Injury in Kansas?

Is It Possible To Sue for My Traumatic Brain Injury in Kansas? The brain is the body’s most important–and perhaps most vulnerable–organ. The brain controls everything from thinking to emotion, memory to language and more. Which is why when a person suffers a blow or other injury to the head the results can be so […]

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Concussion from A Neuroscientist’s Experience – Article from The New Yorker Magazine

A Neuroscientist’s Diary of a Concussion Daniel J. Levitin/Nov 23, 2017  Written for:  THE NEW YORKER One evening in April, driving home from a university function, I was stopped in freeway traffic caused by roadworks somewhere up ahead when I felt a massive jolt. The back of my head hit the headrest, then my head lurched […]

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Accidents and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Accidents and Traumatic Brain Injuries The brain is one of the body’s most important organs, responsible for communication between the body, the thinking and processing of information, speech and language, memory, reason and logic, emotion, and countless other tasks. As such, when the brain is injured, the results can be catastrophic and life-changing for a […]

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