When is a Company Liable for a Crash?

When an employee is involved in a car accident while performing their work duties, the employer sometimes should be responsible for any resulting damages.

Understanding Vicarious Liability

Vicarious liability occurs when the person causing the crash is at fault, but so is the person’s employer. This happens because employers are responsible for the people they hire. Even though the employer may not have directly caused the crash, their employee did, which makes them liable as well. Vicarious liability is a legal theory known as “respondeat superior,” which means “let the superior answer.”

Employers are held liable for car accidents for two reasons:

When Does Vicarious Liability Come In Play?

To hold an employer liable for vicarious liabille, there must be four elements involved. We would help you prove the driver was:

Separate from vicarious liability, when an employee causes a car accident, an employer may be considered negligent in any of the following ways:

Contact Our Kansas Personal Injury Attorneys Today

Companies have a huge responsibility when it comes to their employees. They need to be held accountable or we all are at risk.

The Kansas personal injury attorneys at Neustrom & Associates can assess your case and determine liability. Multiple parties could be at fault for your car accident. To schedule a free consultation, call (785) 825-1505 or fill out the online form.