Why Didn’t My Airbags Deploy in My Crash? What Do I Do?

What are my legal options if my airbags fail to deploy and I am injured?

In a car accident, we expect our vehicle’s safety features to help us avoid serious injuries. Seat belts and airbags are some of these features on which we often rely. Because we physically see and put on our seat belts every time we get in the car, we are more familiar with how they work.

However, we cannot see our vehicle’s airbags. We might wonder, will they deploy in an accident? Are there even airbags in there?

When a crash happens, and your airbags never deploy, you may want answers, especially if you suffered severe injuries. You may be angry and confused. Who can be held liable? Read on to find out what happens next.

Why Do Airbags Fail to Deploy?

Unfortunately, you cannot always depend on your car’s technology to keep you safe. Airbags can fail to deploy for the following reasons:

What Do I Do Now?

If your airbag failed to deploy and you suffered injuries as a result, you should seek legal help. A lawyer can investigate your case to determine why your airbag did not deploy. If it was due to a defect, then the manufacturer could be held liable.

You can file a lawsuit, but this is not easy. You will need to prove the following:

An attorney will advise if a lawsuit against the manufacturer is the best course of action. Making this determination may involve consulting with engineers and other experts. More than likely, filing a claim against the at-fault driver is your best bet.

Contact Our Kansas Car Accident Attorneys Today

If you were involved in a car accident and your airbags failed to deploy, you may be scared. What do you do now? Who can you call?

The Kansas car accident lawyers at Neustrom & Associates can help you with your case. We will get you the medical treatment you need and help you understand your legal options. To schedule a free consultation, call our office at (785) 825-1505 or fill out the online form.