Should You Always Call 911 When There is an Accident?

Your accident was minor and nobody was injured. Do you still need to call 911?

Nobody wants to deal with a car accident. It can be such a frustrating situation. While you may think you know the do’s and don’ts for dealing with car crashes, what about when it comes to calling 911? What are the rules? Do you have to do it every time?

You may think no. Isn’t 911 for emergencies only? The 911 operators probably do not want to deal with every minor accident, right? Well, you need to make sure, or else you could be breaking the law.

Each state has rules regarding this. Read on to find out when you should call 911 if you are involved in a Kansas car accident.

What the Law Says

Under Kansas law, a car accident must be reported to police as soon as possible if any of the following conditions apply:

Therefore, if nobody is injured and there is no damage, then technically you do not have to call 911. But if any of the above situations exist, then you need to call 911 or else you could get in trouble for breaking the law. If you are not sure, then call 911 just in case. There is no penalty for doing so, and it is better to be safe than sorry.

Plus, when you call 911, a police officer will be sent to the accident scene. A police report can be very helpful in proving your case and determining liability.

Other Situations to Consider

Besides the above situations, there are other times when it may be a good idea to call 911 after a car accident:

Contact Our Kansas Car Accident Attorneys Today

Make sure you follow state laws after a car accident. If you do not call 911, you could get in trouble for not reporting the crash.

After a car accident, you may be overwhelmed and confused about the process. What steps should you take? Neustrom & Associates can deal with the insurance companies and help you get the compensation you deserve. Schedule a free consultation today. Call our office at (785) 825-1505 or fill out the online form.