Is it Possible to Seek Damages After a Hit-and-Run?

Hit-and-run accidents are stressful, but victims have several options for receiving financial compensation.

Car accidents can cause thousands of dollars in losses. Injured victims often need medical care, and there is of course damage to the vehicle itself. In the run-of-the-mill car accident, a victim can make a claim on the at-fault driver’s insurance policy. But what happens when the driver has fled the scene of the crash?

Fortunately, car accident victims have options for getting at least some compensation following a wreck. A seasoned Salina car accident lawyer at Neustrom & Associates can review your circumstances to identify the best path to financial recovery.

Use Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits for Medical Care

Kansas requires that all motorists have PIP coverage, which is a terrific benefit in a hit-and-run accident. PIP is no-fault, so the insurer will not care who or what is to blame for the wreck. You can use PIP to cover a variety of damages, including:

Unfortunately, Kansas only requires that motorists carry $4,500 in PIP benefits, which is not much. Most victims will have losses above and beyond that.

Check if You Have Collision Coverage

Collision insurance pays benefits if your car is damaged in a wreck. Like PIP, it’s no-fault, so you can be to blame for the accident and still make a claim on your policy. Collision coverage only pays to repair your vehicle; you cannot use it for medical care or income replacement. You also will probably be responsible for a deductible.

Unlike PIP, collision coverage is optional in Kansas. If you have a car loan, your lender probably requires it, but few people carry collision coverage once their loan is paid off. Check your policy to see if you purchased it.

Tap Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Kansas also requires that all motorists purchase uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, called UM/UIM coverage. Generally, you would use this insurance if you are hit by someone who has no insurance or not enough to cover your losses. Kansas requires each policy to cover up to $25,000 per person, up to $50,000 per accident.

This policy can come into play in a hit-and-run accident—provided you are not at fault for the wreck. UM/UIM insurance will pay benefits for medical care, lost wages, and property damage in a hit-and-run accident, so contact your insurer as soon as possible.

Search for the Hit-and-Run Driver

If there is contact with your vehicle or proof of a hit and run, you have a method to collect from Uninsured Motorist coverage you buy on  your car, under Kansas statutes. You should report the accident as soon as possible and provide as much detail as you can: the type and color of the car, the direction it fled, and any detail you recall.

Remember, many businesses have security cameras that will capture a nearby accident, so do not assume the driver cannot be found. Once the police find the driver, you can sue or make a claim on his or her insurance. If not, ask us how to make a Uninsured Motorist claim against your company. They will hire their attorney. You should hire us.

Give Us a Call

The attorneys at Neustrom & Associates have recovered for hit and run wrecks, even in circumstances when there was no physical damage to your car. Tire skid marks, security cameras, neighborhood canvases can supply the evidence you need. Check out your options for compensation in a free consultation.