Spotlight on Texting Dangers During Distracted Driving Awareness Month in April

During National Distracted Driving Awareness Month in April, traffic and safety officials in Kansas call attention to the dangers of cell phones, texting, and other types of activities that can increase your car accident risks.

Operating a motor vehicle is both a privilege and a responsibility. It requires skill and your undivided attention to prevent auto accidents and injuries from occurring. The month of April is designated throughout the country as Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and Kansas officials have a host of activities planned to call attention to the dangers, in the hopes of making these types of accidents less likely to occur.

The Dangers of Distracted Driving

According to the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), distracted driving is the number one contributing factor in car accidents in Salina and throughout the state. Of the more than 60,000 collisions that occur each year in our area, distracted driving was a factor in more than 20 percent.

Distracted driving involves any activity that diverts your attention from the road for even a few seconds, which is long enough to significantly reduce your response and reaction times. Common types of distracted driving include:

KDOT reports that nearly 15,000 motor vehicle drivers and passengers are injured in distracted driving accidents each year in our state, while it puts thousands more bicyclists and pedestrians in danger.

Ways to Prevent Distracted Driving

Texting and driving is particularly dangerous, as it requires you to take your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, and distracts your attention from the task of driving itself. Under Section 8-15,111 of the Kansas Statutes, texting and driving is prohibited in our state. Unfortunately, since the law was passed in 2011, the KDOT reports that the number of distracted driving accidents has continued to increase, and that fatalities due to these crashes have doubled.

To help spread the word about the potential dangers, the Kansas Traffic Safety Office is partnering with federal officials in making posters, banners, and infographic widely available to groups within the community. As young people are one of the most at risk groups for distracted driving accidents, the Traffic Safety Office is also sponsoring National Distracted Driving Awareness Month SAFE educational activities, to take to local high schools in our area.

Reach Out to Our Salina, Kansas Car Accident Attorneys for Help

Distracted drivers can be held accountable when car accidents and collisions occur. If you or someone you care about is injured in this type of crash, reach out and contact Neustrom & Associates. We can arrange a consultation with one of our Salina car accident attorneys, who can advise you on how to get the compensation you need to recover.