What Type of Damages Can I Recover in a Kansas Motorcycle Accident?

Our Salina, Kansas motorcycle accident attorney explains the different types of compensation you may be entitled to recover in a motorcycle accident lawsuit.

If you are in a motorcycle accident in Kansas, personal injuries you suffer have the potential to be devastating. These can prevent you from working or engaging in your normal hobbies and activities for years into the future. When the reckless actions of others are responsible, you have the right to hold them accountable in a claim. Our Kansas motorcycle accident attorney explains the different types of compensation available through a lawsuit.

When to File a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit In Kansas

Riding a motorcycle is a popular hobby in Salina and is a primary means of transportation for many people. Unfortunately, the reckless actions of others on the road can put motorcyclists at risk. When motorcycle accidents happen as a result, you have the right to hold those at fault accountable.

Most drivers have insurance policies that can help cover the costs associated with motorcycle accident injuries in Salina. However, you may also have the right to file a lawsuit against the driver through the Saline County Civil Court. This is often the best course of action in the following types of cases:

Damages You May be Entitled to in a Kansas Motorcycle Accident Claim

Compensation available in a motorcycle accident lawsuit in Kansas is referred to as damages. Common types of damages you may be entitled to in your claim include:

Discuss Your Case With Our Salina, Kansas Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

To get the maximum amount you need to recover from motorcycle accident injuries in Salina, get Neustrom & Associates on your side. To discuss your case and the types of damages available in a claim, call or contact our Kansas motorcycle accident attorney online and request a consultation today.