Salina Serious Injury Attorneys

Serious injury cases require immediate attention and the best in legal representation to protect you from unneeded life altering consequences.

Serious injuries can change the course of your life and the lives of your loved ones. These kinds of injuries require more than medical treatment; they call for serious legal assistance for a fair recovery and to secure your rights. If you or someone you love has suffered a serious injury, contact the exceptional attorneys at Neustrom & Associates.  We are attorneys who have your best interests in mind.

Common Types and Causes of Serious Injuries

Some of the most common types of serious injuries include:

There are several different kinds of accidents which can cause these injuries, we handle cases such as:

If any of the above accidents occurred due to the negligent or reckless actions of someone else, they owe you full and fair compensation for your injuries.

Getting Compensation for Your Injuries

If you have suffered serious injury and harm resulting from an accident caused by another’s negligence, you will have extensive damages. Damages include the physical and emotional harm you have encountered, as well as financial costs you have incurred, loss of function, the major changes to your life that have altered what you have always dreamed about. Serious injuries may require immediate and long-term medical care.  You may need surgery, on-going physical or occupational therapy, in-home care, devices such as wheel chairs and equipment in your home and more.  You are entitled to compensation for all of these things.

We understand what lays ahead of those who have been seriously injured.  Contact us today.

If you have experienced serious injury, trauma or harm from another, it is important you work closely with legal practitioners with the required expertise. At Neustrom & Associates, we have been there hundreds of times in the most serious and complicated cases. We understand what lays ahead of you, the medical consequences, and implication for your life.  In addition to the experience of helping those with serious injuries, we are well versed in the legal considerations and insurance issues that affect your ability to fully recover for the harm caused.  Contact us today for your free initial consultation.