Salina Premises Liability Attorneys

If you were injured on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to monetary compensation.

If you have been injured on someone else’s property due to an unsafe condition, you may have a valid premises liability claim. This area of law is complicated and can involve complex issues regarding liability and proving damages. You need legal representation with specialized knowledge in successfully proving premises liability claims.

The experienced Kansas premises liability attorneys at Neustrom & Associates have a record of success in fighting for those injured on the property of another. We tirelessly pursue all avenues of recovery to make sure our clients get the compensation they deserve for their injuries.

What happens in a premises liability claim?

Premises liability claims include a wide range of incidents, including:

To maintain a successful premises liability claim, you must first be able to prove that the defendant owned, occupied, leased, or otherwise was in control of the property at the time of the accident. You must also be able to prove that the defendant was negligent in maintaining the property. Those owners or managers of property owe a duty of care in making sure that their property is reasonably safe. The level of this duty owed to a person may depend on what kind of person is visiting the property.

For example, if a person was expressly or implicitly given permission to go on the property, the property owner or lessee has a duty of reasonable care in providing safe property conditions. The property owner also has a duty to warn people of known dangerous conditions, or conditions about which they should be aware with inspection. Also of note is that trespassers are generally owed less of a duty by the property owner or lessee.  They entered the property without permission.  The big exception to this general rule can be if the trespasser was a minor child.

In addition to proving that the property owner acted negligently and violated the duty they owed to you as someone entering their property, you must be able to prove that you were harmed as a result of this negligence. It is also important to note that you have a duty to exercise reasonable care when on another’s property. You need to keep a safe look out or your fault will be compared.  If you failed in this duty and contributed to the accident which caused your injuries, your fault may be compared.  This may mean that you still may be able to recover damages, but recovery will be reduced by the percentage of fault you are attributed for causing the accident.

What can I be compensated for in a premises liability claim?

First and foremost, you are entitled to compensation for the medical expenses related to the treatment of the injuries you sustained in the premises liability accident. Sometimes med pay insurance pays bills when there is yet to be fault shown. Injuries involved in premises liability claims can be varied, but often include:

You are also entitled to compensation for your future medical expenses. Injuries can have lasting consequences that require continued medical care throughout the rest of your life. Additional damages that are included in premises liability claims include:

We know that premises liability claims can be difficult.  We are here to fight for your rights to safety and justice.

Some attorneys shy away from a challenge. This is not so at Neustrom & Associates. We welcome complex legal cases like those involving premises liability.  If you were injured due to the negligence of another, you are entitled to compensation.  We are here to stand by your side every step of the way, fighting for what you deserve.  Contact us today for a free consultation.